الصف الثامن


الفصل الأول


اللغة الإنجليزية

إختبار إلكتروني unit 1 إنجليزي ثامن متوسط فصل أول

1 My brother is ............ by computer games
2 Computer games ……………….. is very common among young boys and even adults
3 Money doesn't ……………. mean happiness. There are many other sources like health and family
4 Always keep a first-aid kit ……………. at home as they are useful in case of emergency.
5 In the past, grandparents and grandchildren gathered to …………their sweet memories
6 Family members always ……………… in happy occasions like birthdays and weddings
7 Cheese , yoghurt and butter are …………….. made from milk. They are rich in calcium
8 Sindbad, Snow White and Cinderella are …………….stories which people like and enjoy
9 A lot of young girls are ………………. by their weight and appearance obsessed
10 Smoking in public places like schools and hospitals should be …………….

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